DataModel State

To help you keep track of what is going on and display or do things based on that, Footwork provides several observable properties on a dataModel (after it is bootstrapped). These values keep track of several properties related to your dataModel and include things like what types of requests are being issued and whether or not the dataModel has been created yet.

Available Properties


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing a create request.


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing a read request.


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing an update request.


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing a delete request.


Computed observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing a create or update request.


Computed observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is currently issuing a request of any type.


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel is new (not yet saved to the server).

  • An instance is considered new if the resolved value of the idAttribute is falsey.

  • This also informs Footwork that the next time it is saved it needs to be created on the server.


Observable indicating whether or not the dataModel has any dirty mapped properties

  • A mapped property is marked dirty when it is changed after it was retrieved from or saved to the server.

Example Usage

Since these are normal observable values you can bind your UI to them, subscribe to changes, or create computed observables based off of them as well. This (for instance) would allow you to create things like a status indicator telling your user if the dataModel is in the process of saving its data. Things like that are important because they provide feedback to the user so they don't become frustrated.

In the code below we create a computed that changes its value based on whether or not a dataModel is currently issuing a request:

function Person (personData) {
  var self = fw.dataModel.boot(this, {
    url: '/person'

  self.requestLabel = fw.computed(function () {
    if (self.requestInProgress()) {
      return 'Busy';
    } else {
      return 'Ready';

As an example, binding the requestLabel value above to a text binding in your UI would keep the user informed as to what is going on:

The dataModel is: <span data-bind="text: requestLabel"></span>

Dirty Properties

Footwork keeps track of whether or not your dataModel is dirty or not. This is accomplished by keeping track of any changes made on your mapped observables. If any of your mapped observables is flagged as being dirty then its parent dataModel will be flagged as such too.

Example DataModel

function Thing () {
  var self = fw.dataModel.boot(this);
  self.variable = fw.observable().map('variable', self);
  self.otherVariable = fw.observable().map('otherVariable', self);

A mapped observable is considered dirty when:

Each mapped observable is given its own isDirty flag:

var thing = new Thing();

this.variable.isDirty() === false
this.otherVariable.isDirty() === false

thing.variable('a value');

this.variable.isDirty() === true // it is now dirty
this.otherVariable.isDirty() === false // was not altered, not dirty

As seen above, changing the variable value caused it to be flagged as being isDirty. Once an individual mapped property is flagged as dirty then the entire dataModel is flagged as dirty as well:

thing.isDirty() === true

Clearing Dirty Properties

Once a dataModel has been dirtied you might want to clean it, that is accomplished in a couple different ways:

Explicit Clearing

// thing.isDirty() === false
// this.variable.isDirty() === false
// this.otherVariable.isDirty() === false

As you can see above clearing the one dirty observable caused the entire dataModel to be marked as being clean because no other mapped observable was dirty.

Clearing After Saving

Another way to clear isDirty flags is by saving the dataModel to the server. Once a 200 response is received from the server all mapped observables on the dataModel are cleared of their isDirty flag. () {
  // thing.isDirty() === false
  // this.variable.isDirty() === false
  // this.otherVariable.isDirty() === false

By saving the instance above it is then cleared of any isDirty properties once the response is received.